CAARAC Rainbows in White Fundraiser
ALL TICKETS ARE $30! Net proceeds benefit Central Alabama Alliance, Resource, and Advocacy Center (CAARAC).
Join the CAARAC Team for an enjoyable Southern-style day-mixer and be entertained by the fabulousness of the Region’s most talented DRAG performers. White attire required with hints of rainbow encouraged. Help raise support for community programs that bridge the gap between health and wellness, people of color, and the LGBTQiA community. Guests may be interested in grabbing discounted tickets to the final performance of ASF’s production of Zelda in the Backyard by Elyzabeth Gregory Wilder at 2 PM. [ASF discount code will be sent via email following purchase of CAARAC event ticket.]
Show and event tickets are not combined. Tickets to the ASF performance must be purchased directly through the ASF Box Office online or in person referencing the discount code once provided.