Sept. 13 at 7pm - SAFE at School: What parents of LGBTQIA+ kids need to know

Parents of LGBTQ+ youth concerned about their child's safety at school can learn the top 3 ways to protect & support them.

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It’s 2022 and school is starting again. Parents around the world are concerned for their child’s safety at school and for parents of LGBTQ+ children, the fear is huge. With all of the anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric that has been making headlines, LGBTQ+ kids and their parents are wondering how safe it will be for them to be themselves at school.

Because it’s not just about concerns about bullying from other kids. At this point as parents of LGBTQ+ youth, we’re more worried about bullying from the adults at school!

Will my child’s teacher be affirming or try to tell him he’s been brainwashed?

How will the school principal react to my daughter’s pronouns and new name?

Will the students even be allowed to say the word “gay” without repercussions from the adults in charge of them for 8 hours a day?

In keeping with Pride and Joy Foundation’s mission to prevent suicide in our LGBTQ+ community, we are hosting an event to support our children’s first line of defense and safety: their parents.

The majority of parents want to be their LGBTQ+ child’s biggest ally and hopefully, advocate. But we often feel ill-equipped to do so. We grew up in a different world than today and no one taught us how to protect our LGBTQ+ children in their own schools.

Add to that, when you’re questioning which of your parent peers you can even talk to about these issues, parents often feel alone and disconnected in their struggle to gain information and support.

Through our event, “Safe at School: what parents of LGBTQ+ youth need to know for this school year”, we will empower our Pride and Joy Parents with the knowledge they need to support their children in three key areas:

  • legal support - learn about protecting your rights as a parent and your child’s rights as a student

  • emotional support - learn how to effectively support your LGBTQ+ youth during this school year

  • physical support - learn how to hold safe space in your home and at their school, for your child and their LGBTQ+ peers

There will be additional time at the end for questions for our experts, as well as time to network and connect with other parents.

The cost to attend this live virtual event is $0 but we do ask for a suggested donation of $10. All donations go directly to Pride and Joy Foundation. Our mission is to reduce the rate of suicide and homelessness in the LGBTQ+ community by fostering allyship, advocacy, and creating opportunities to increase the visibility of LGBTQ+ people.

We envision a world where all LGBTQ+ humans are heard, housed, and mentally healthy.

Emma Louise Ellis